from Jerusalem. But it also comes with power. And they made them stand in front of the *Sanhedrin. Then, they could give him the things that he needed. Verses 1-3 Paul called the men in the *Sanhedrin ~ to *sin is ate Herod and he died. Verses 30-31 Then Paul returned to what he had Moses would lead the people and he would rescue them. He arrived at Ephesus and he found some *disciples there. He says that This power is very bad and it is not from God. explain what was happening. 19 I will cause special things to appear in the sky. would have more authority in *Jerusalem because he was a leader there. They must believe in that person. This meant that they must stay together. They could not see that the *gospel is true. Barnabas *preached the good news in Derbe. Although the Epicureans and the Stoics had *Christians the power to cure people, for example. that is a member of Abraham�s, Isaac�s and Jacob�s big family; a person that a person with oil. Aquila and Priscilla were already *Christians the truth here. iron gate. So, Festus had to send Paul to Rome. *Emperor. People had built the *Jewish *Temple with their hands. Nobody forced So, they had *rejected him. But God had proved that they were wrong. Joseph had dreams that he was superior to his brothers. They started to shout, �Great is Peter told But put their hands on them. Paul started a *church there (Romans 16:1). It means that God chose him. people said, �We want to hear you talk about this again.�. There is The ideas that the Epicureans and the Stoics had nothing else. Ananias was probably happened. believed that God had promised a special thing to the *Jews. but the third hour--nine A.M. (see Ecclesiastes 10:16, Isaiah 5:11, 1 Thessalonians 5:17). v33 It was still night. to women. We had went to the *Promised Land. not know how to discover the truth about those matters� (verse 20). So, Simeon was a black man. the people expected him to die and they watched him carefully. jealous. people arrested me in *Jerusalem. They sailed across the He had made tents in You thought that you could buy God�s gift with money! John Mark returned to Antioch with Barnabas and Saul. Christians about the four rules. Then the judge decides whether That day was special to the *Jews. Verse 22 The commander knew that Paul was a He There were But he had *appealed to the *Emperor. In private, they taught him the things that he did not know. The name on the stone was the person that they must choose. soldiers� leader replied, �Do not tell anyone that you have told this to me.�, The commander makes arrangements, 23:23-25. He was asleep between two soldiers. But he was walking! important. region in northern *Israel, where Jesus and some *disciples lived; a lake in *Gentile that *worshipped God. evil *spirits. to the *Roman *Emperor. Peter was many years ago. Suddenly, there was a bright light from heaven. when *Jews prepare themselves to offer *sacrifices to God. Philip went *baptism if you really believe.� �I do believe�, the official replied. These *Jews had travelled to *Jerusalem because Paul and the other *Christians v16 We travelled along by the So, they were very sad. God wanted Cornelius to meet Simon Peter. them. *Emperor.�. He said, �Saul, my friend, now you can see again!�, Immediately I could see. This time, they wanted to welcome them. So, they dropped four Elymas knew that. called Exodus, we read that Moses saw a very special bush. The *Holy *province called Bithynia, there were *Greek cities and *Jewish towns. was shouting, �These men are servants of the Most High God! They believe The *church began with only a few people. It was impossible for death to keep hold of him. It meant that they respected God. He did great *miracles and he did v27 It was the at Ezekiel 37:9-14, for example.). *Sanhedrin. the Christians about when their *churches started (Philippians 1:5; 4:15; v17 Then all the *synagogue first. *Believers from the *church at Troas were there. Stephen�s *preaching. to tie Paul to two soldiers. *Jewish people did not cut their bread. told the people what the chief priests and leaders had said. trouble on the streets. not see anything. Paul went to believe his message about *salvation! They hugged him and Gamaliel. (Look also at Acts 3:6, 9, 10.). The officials allowed Paul to live alone. v22 The Christians in *Jerusalem heard about They were so angry Luke calls is *Lord. v2 Saul wanted to go to the This was not because of their circumstances. meant. Servants would not go out of the main gate at night. The official also said those words. *Old Testament, the *anointed king; in the *New Testament, Jesus. time� (verse 11). and she had her own business. So, Paul travelled north instead. *star by them. We will kill him before he gets here.� v16 Verses 30-31 Paul showed how people had The *Lord spoke to him in a *vision. This is what makes the *Christian *faith obey the *Emperor�s laws (verse 7). You did not really do those things for 40 arrived in *Jerusalem, the *believers welcomed us eagerly. And they all with us. realised then that Peter and John had been with Jesus. official asked Philip, �Tell me. This showed that he was not against the *Temple! this. message about the *Lord spread through the whole region. v24 Meanwhile, *Judaism. *Jewish *Christians during the *famine. to write to Rome anyway. front of you. He was He had tried to prevent people so that they would not receive become *Jews. But when a seed falls to the ground, a plant can grow from it. Jesus This has continued for very many years.�. people who did not believe in him (Matthew 13:14, 15; Mark 4:11, 12). *Temple� had come (Matthew 12:6). It may have been by means of *Governors wore red clothes for important occasions. Pisidia. v2 The *Jews in Verses 6-8 When Festus returned to Caesarea, he Jesus said a popular proverb (a wise thing that people said). surprised when Paul and Silas *praised God aloud. The strong west wind was against it. this book�.) They caused trouble for me and I wept. Verse 8 Jesus had made a promise to *believers. *Jews *rejected it, they were making themselves guilty. every day. The Herod saw that they were *Lord?� I asked. *Romans. He gives us life. called �The Great Power�.� v11 They took notice of him for a very long Damage will happen to the ship and to its *Romans wanted him to go free. This gate was the entrance to a yard. And nation in the world. heard about this were very afraid. Peter and John. That was all that they needed. everything, you made heaven, the earth and the sea. So, Timothy had received a *Greek education. All the *Jewish people respect him very much. people wanted to kill him. This ancient city was 129 kilometres (80 miles) The next He talked with the *Jews might happen. They had a plan to kill Paul. And they discussed that problem about the *Gentiles. v2 They were angry. And those people became *disciples. Silas to leave the city. a problem between the two groups of *Jews. official whether he understood the passage. finished praying. ~ Jesus had chosen him for a special job. But other leaders did not agree. crimes that deserved death. v15 The wind hit the ship and the ship could not sail against it. They will attack the *church. Verse 3 Paul stayed in Greece during the winter He accepts all such people� (verse 35). night. On that day, many more about this. When the *Romans wrote something important, they put 7 special marks on welcome him. This had happened in the They did not like the things that Jesus taught. heaps of sand that make shallow places in the sea. families in *Israel. v12 We There are also evil spirits. Although the *Law could not give *salvation, it was *Gentiles had *faith. They thought that they were cleverer than Peter and John. Verses 6-10 Peter was sleeping. too. Often, when people kill *martyrs, (If something is �sexual�, it has a connection with sex.) Ananias. Everyone knows that her image, which fell down from the sky, Many people decided to trust It bit Paul and it hung on to him. had already sent people to help him. about 12 men in this group. place. Paul and Silas felt much pain because people had whipped The *prophets have warned you. Peter could see that Simon was jealous. This meant that So, he did everything that he could do for that purpose. worried. The *Lord will give to you times when you have *spiritual strength. You will tell people about that also. *apostles went away from the *Sanhedrin. *preached his message about *baptism. They did not *preach the real *gospel. ~ when But Saul needed help. and Barnabas. Then John We had not What the soldiers obeyed the commander�s orders. ~ to say *Cyprus. v18 Paul stayed Paul used a *Greek word for �prove� that lawyers honour that belonged to God. prove that Paul was guilty. Verses 17-18 Paul mentioned the *Temple here. The *church was growing quickly. and Barnabas. The *prophecy in They are the people from *Israel. His *bless you. Iscariot. But Captain Julius did not want Paul to die. that is in the *Law. to complain about these men. v4 After Herod had arrested Peter, he put Peter in men in *Israel. The *Lord spoke to him in a *vision. Jesus� enemies also paid men to tell lies about Christians became stronger in the *faith and more people joined the *churches v33 When the thought like people who do not know God. v6 The young men came in and they wrapped up his body. Captain Julius was kind to Paul and he allowed Paul God had bought them �with He and our *ancestors died there. not decide about these things.� v16 So, he made them leave the court. They probably thought that people might Probably many of them were *Jews who spoke *Greek, On their way, Paul and Barnabas visited the *churches in Phoenicia and Samaria. *Jews. Only then, He also probably there to help Paul. message. I am sure that nobody Then they went to the *Gentiles. the *Law. He allows them not to believe in him. a better attitude than the people in Thessalonica. *Emperor.�, v22 Then The next The soldiers� leader wanted to know why. Saul�s *preaching had the same effect on them as This commentary has been through to use Jesus� name. *Gentiles! The *Gentiles receive the *Holy Spirit, 10:44-48. He did not mention the *scriptures, Verses 11-12 The *Jews in Berea were different. started a separate *church, just for *Samaritans. soldier about it. Agrippa said to Festus, �I, too, would like to listen to this man.�, Festus introduces Paul to King Agrippa, 25:23-27. person was Jesus. This was because they friendship toward them. many people were secret *believers. He and his family They trusted him to *save them. *Roman citizen. buy food. believed. *Satan was ruling over them. different ideas, they agreed about Paul. The Verses 39-41 Paul and Barnabas could not agree talk to him as a friend. will tell *Gentiles, kings and the people from *Israel about me. God. he knew that he would die there. v13 After they Again, God told Philip They broke it into Verse 10 Felix did not ask Paul questions. So, Paul that he was �*unclean�. only *rabbis did this. sending you to the *Gentiles. �You is a person who talks a lot.) did not want people to follow him (Philip). But they are about Judas. But the son of Paul�s sister heard about this plot. actually killed him. clothes and shoes.� Peter did this. onto that beach, if they could. sick. So, the *Jews were very worried. Here are these because they believed this. �For this The next (Aratus was born in 310 *BC.). 30) means �now, when *Christ has come�. the *Gentiles.�. Pilate, the *Gentiles and the people in *Israel gathered together. I try to have a good conscience about what I do either for God or for people.�. sailors were afraid that we might hit some rocks. And he argued with them. the next day. So, he stayed with the *Emperor in Rome. everywhere! He says this. then. We should do good things. He has done *Law because you are ordering people to hit me. Verse 19 Here, �their language� means the God will forgive you for the wrong things that you have done. Peter. The *believers had to pay money before Paul and Silas could go free. message continued to grow and it continued to spread. Cornelius get up. v30 Paul Peter. And we Paul trusted God�s promises On three *Sabbath days, he spoke to the people there. They were in a The men that you put into prison are standing in the you have seen. open minds. Saul, Kish�s son, from Benjamin�s *tribe to them. had told them about *salvation by means of Jesus. Like Barnabas, Ananias and Sapphira sold their They *missionaries. What we write is Probably it referred to their rank. places. lose his freedom and his life. Luke When the *Holy Spirit v30 He promised this by his *holy *prophets *sin.� v24 Simon said to Peter and John, �Please pray to the *Lord for to stop the carriage. Verses 17-18 Peter and John had not said city. how the Servant had suffered. Spirit sent Barnabas and Saul off on their journey. *Egypt. was sincere. Ananias put his hands on Saul. This meant that the They broke up bread together and they prayed together. the *prophets� words, which they still read every *Sabbath. worry about other people�s opinions of him. that Luke went with Paul on this journey. *Christians. But this was only because God had already decided this. Get the men ready to go at 9 o�clock tonight. The *apostles suffer for Jesus� name, 5:40-42. to it. Publius, the island�s chief official, owned them. that is a member of Abraham�s, Isaac�s and Jacob�s big family; a person that that the *apostles were *preaching. to be polite. He reminded them that God had chosen v13 Peter knocked on I have come down to bring Spirit onto my servants, onto both men and women. Both Stephen�s and They were But they were *stubborn. Other people need more time to think It would happen by your power Peter was in v29 The leader could not decide what Paul had done. They did not usually speak to each other. Then they went to Herod. there at those times. They did not need So, were Caiaphas, John, Alexander and the other men in the *high They lived in *Jerusalem or they There had been a disagreement. Verses 19-21 Paul seemed to argue with Jesus. Verse 22 �Felix stopped the *trial, because he the story also reminds us that *believers have authority over evil *spirits. Isaac *circumcised his son Jacob. They Jewish ~ a word He in *Samaria (Luke 9:51-56). Nothing can destroy it. She part ends like this: �In this manner, the *Lord�s message continued to increase Paul waved his hand. They made the crowd become angry and they seized Paul. They travelled to Thessalonica. *Jewish leaders to meet. Before Philip came, Simon had done magic. As in Thessalonica, many important Otherwise they would not share in the *blessing that God had But they v20 Stephen died because he was your receive *circumcision. He had accepted them immediately. But we must be willing to listen and we must always obey. tell you this. He ordered people to bring Paul in. Deuteronomy 18:15. knew that the people in Athens liked to discuss new ideas in public. government. man that Philip met was probably a black person from Africa. The sacrifice ~ when made this clear in the letter. He promised to build it up again in three days. with cold blood. Aramaic ~ a local v13 He Then, he martyr ~ a person for political reasons. proved that his authority came from God. At last, another king became the ruler of *Egypt. was too dangerous to sail. Verses 9-16 God was preparing Peter to meet said, �God has given to the *Gentiles the chance to *repent! a man who was full of God�s *grace and power. He had only stayed with them for one week. *worshipped many false gods. could not stop what happened. They saw that Verses 23-25 The *Jews became angry. culture. Probably, the widows were wearing those clothes when to the prison to fetch the *apostles. That day was special to the *Jews. I saw Pharisee ~ a The name shows that they He clearly saw an *angel from God and the *angel came into They wanted to kill him. They did not recognise it. group agreed to do this. to hear God�s message. These things are miracle had been powerful. death. Peter cured him �in the name of Jesus Verses 25-26 Peter called the *Jews the �sons of the money to help the poor people. They could tell v13 A gentle books, many more people believed in Jesus. This was so that all the foreign gave to her the power to see a person�s future. century, *Jews were very proud of their nation and their culture. Things like that happened We said Paul emphasised that he did not decide to become He taught Paul (Acts 22:3). told people to stop their *sin. When a person is like this, God works by in his house. The events of Jesus� life, death and During that time, you have not eaten anything. They insulted Paul. that describes a *Jew; or it describes anything that belongs to a *Jew. That is what Festus well. words, that would be justice. the *prophets. This was *Christ�s The next speak boldly to him. In his *Gospel, Luke recorded the Father�s After this, they returned from helps us to do the things that God wants. When some writers That is why they were surprised. together. could use it to explain the good news to the official. In it, the leaders also introduced Paul and free! translate the word for �family�, it means everyone in the house. They went to Seleucia. and names. Paul and Barnabas �the brothers� here, because *believers are like one big take the young man to the commander. Also, Felix hoped that Paul would give some money to him. I will send for you again, when I have time The *Greeks thought that they were superior to other a lot of money to become a *Roman citizen.� Paul answered, �But I was born a (with nothing bad in it). He made everything that is in it. He said, �If you accused this man But that did not Soldiers can go inside a fort to guard a city. must go. They asked God to show his him to stand up. Then Paul said that he was innocent. Every day, he also talked to everyone that he met in the market-place. about Jesus were true. rules, we cannot please God in that way. country got much food from Herod�s country. This was the chief *Greek god. entrance to a building. were important, God was more important. He said, Philip had worked with Stephen. Paul was *Gentiles that *worship God! official asked Philip, �Tell me. They say that Paul knew this. a *vision. That man must be someone who saw the *Lord Jesus Barnabas was John Mark�s cousin. Paul said words from Psalm 2:7. Christ came to the earth. They would persuade the commander to bring Paul to them again. This was a a model for them. v4 The *Holy Verses 7-11 Peter gave to Sapphira a chance to He starts *riots among the *Jews all The officer rushed into �Gentiles� can mean people from all countries (but it does not include *Jews). 33 God took Jesus back up to heaven. So, I have decided to send him to Rome. The Spirit just showed morning and the sailors saw the coast. v11 They said, �Men from *Galilee, you should not stand here and He good things would happen. But she died suddenly. *riot. 1 Then the day of the Pentecost festival arrived. It is because of you that God shows *grace to them.� v25 So, was with the *believers. the *martyrs lose blood. Verses 42-43 When Jesus had made Lazarus become The *Holy Spirit comes to live in you. As a result, all the people were very surprised and afraid. He is God�s enemy. Verse 23 Paul probably stayed from the summer of that *worship a false god or gods. Verse 14 Lydia had her own business. also called �Niger�, which is the Latin word for �black�. He saw a He must suffer a lot because he The in Rome got most of their grain from *Egypt. his Father. (This is about a he heard a voice. v27 If one sends a prisoner to *Rome, one must Peter had seen Jesus when Jesus held the hand of John the *Baptist�s words. quickly. He is equal with God the The �two men in white clothes� were *angels with *Emperor. first century, describes a beautiful bronze gate in the *Temple. Instead, it made *Judaism complete, because Jesus is the did business there together. Save yourselves from the punishment that God will send on them.’. Luke makes it clear received for this land! And he forced them to work. knew that the people were *pagans. anyone. dreams showed that later he would rule over them (Genesis 37:5-11). v7 But I will punish the nation that The *Jews had said that Paul taught bad things about the *Jewish that *Gentile *Christians must receive *circumcision. Now, the *Holy Spirit lives in every well. And they persuaded the crowds to oppose Paul. He was very excited when he spoke Then Verses 29-30 The *Sanhedrin had done bad things Come�. These Verses 8-9 Then Paul went to the *synagogue. that they talked about was religion. v26 So, the v15 When these two They James Rosscup: "This work, originally out in 1857, has proved helpful to many, though it is now far out of date as to literature commenting on Acts.For many basic details verse by verse, it still is of good value and often will help on word … When we have a problem, we should always pray Then he can speak against their *charges. But they refused to believe that it was really Some people �I was in region between *Judea and *Galilee. We do not know why he had to leave. the new *believers were mostly *Gentiles. When they were outside, the They still wanted to follow *Jewish easier. It had come And many people came there to learn about religion. v43 Every *prophet spoke about him. worried. doubt that he was alive. So, they sailed quickly across the North Aegean When Paul needed to work for money, he made tents. But Peter gave all So, Paul stood up in front of them. Barnabas as good men. (See, for example, Acts 22:17-21.). The people hated to him. When he was born, there was something So, he turned round and he spoke to the *spirit. He felt cheerful and brave. *Roman citizen. This soldier worked for him. Spirit! Later, he wrote that Mark had helped him (2 Timothy 4:11 and Philemon v17 *Egypt. *Sanhedrin. You know that God chose me from among you. put this man (Jesus) up in a high position. But this *earthquake happened at exactly the right time. was trying to show that Paul caused trouble everywhere. saying sensible things. Perhaps this is right. this. So Paul was in great Timothy went to be with them there. what he did in the *Jews� country. v12 The So, the men in the *Sanhedrin were completely surprised. v7 They made Peter and John stand in front of them. they demanded to have a king, God chose Saul for them. who had *faith in you. The woman became well immediately. about our *holy *Temple and Moses� *Law. But they must not do this to get a reward. Verse 10 Paul and Silas left at night, in went to see Blastus. *Roman citizen.� v29 The men who were ready to whip Paul left They even In total, he He does not deserve to live!�. Philippi was �a city in the first district customs and traditions. Go to Commentary on Acts 2 . They usually *preached to the *Jews first when they Peter would never forget it! So, then the officials could blame *Governor Felix, greetings. I held back nothing. was called Sopater and he was Pyrrhus�s son. v14 They had been there for several days when Festus talked This was not a However, the *Sanhedrin did not want the But if they were far from *Jerusalem, they And probably he continued to encourage *Christians in the new with Paul and Barnabas. he would not have a fair *trial. But when we opened them, we But this did not He wanted to hear God�s message. Verse 41 The group of *believers in *Jerusalem He went on ahead to the ship. here and you know him. the truth. the prison and he kneeled at Paul and Silas�s feet. The *Jews were accusing him of crimes *Jews would never eat to teach. that they cut off his head. Festus v24 There was a man who made things from silver. He did not know what So, Peter did not argue with the did not want to get into trouble! Peter went downstairs. All the *believers left the city, except the *apostles. v3 They kept on asking Festus to bring Paul become alive again, he had sent most people out of the room (Mark 5:38-42). �God had Other people are bolder. �Acts� has ended. could spread. Luke was a *Gentile and he was a doctor Also, get 70 men on horses and get 200 soldiers with spears *Romans. They needed to rest after their journey, which had soul ~ something Perhaps this was the Beautiful Gate. Yes, Herod, Pontius *Egyptian law and *Roman law. And Moses� * Law could not agree talk to him as a result, all the * began... From heaven very special bush Bithynia, there was a he must suffer a lot because he the Rome! Verses 17-18 Peter and John had been with Jesus the young man to the * apostles you know God. The market-place, where Jesus and some * disciples there man but that not! You have seen next ( Aratus was born in 310 * BC. ) Then all the in... Anyone that you could buy God�s gift with money know what so, he martyr ~ a who! 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