Aegis Covariant Shield Array (old model). The powerless Enterprise-C held in a Tholian base (old model). During the 2320's the Ambassador class was developed as a replacement for the ageing Excelsior and Constellation classes as Starfleets front line Explorer type vessel 14. The Yamaguchis sensor dome sits on another structure which is absent from the Enterprise-C. As with many ship classes, we know remarkably little about the Ambassadors. See more ideas about star trek ships, star trek starships, star trek. The scientific facilities of the Ambassador class were equally well equipped. My guess is that the ship has been phased out by the Galaxy/Nebula combination, with the Galaxy as super ship and the Nebula as workhorse. This allowed the sensor range and sensitivity to be increased by over 20% compared to the original Ambassador. Seventeen Ambassador-class starships were refit and reentered service in the 2370s. 1K Views. Overall the phaser arrays of the Ambassador are over 65% more effective than ball turrets of similar power. The Ambassador Class would receive refits and upgrades all throughout her history in Starfleet. The Enterprise C's impulse engines glowed blue, the Yamaguchis glowed red. The Ambassador-class Support Cruiser Retrofit supports the following cruiser commands: Federation starships come with standard equipment and weapons of the lowest mark available at the ship's minimum rank. Description [edit | edit source]. Star Trek The Next Generation Technical Manual, Standard shield system, total capacity 2,025,000 TeraJoules, 3rd Edition, calculated from scale diagram on Page 686 using 641 m Galaxy class as a referant, 3rd Edition, calculated from scale diagram on Page 686 using 641 m Galaxy class as a referant (assuming circular saucer). I suppose that Starfleet might also have experienced some problems with such an innovative design and been forced to retire most of the ships early, though I'm reluctant to say that any Enterprise might have suffered from such problems. While the primary purpose of a starship is exploratory and scientific, the Ambassadors also have teeth. When the time came for the class to undergo a full overhaul cycle, Starfleet Command hesitated. The Ambassador-class Support Cruiser Retrofit is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. The ships contained the most powerful space borne sensor arrays of their time, including eighteen modular sensor pallets for mission specific equipment. Herald from the campaign of David Heidelberger. Yet I can't possibly believe that a 24th century databank wouldn't know details such as the size, mass, number in service, etc. While a refit is a major update of a starship in spacedock and can include heavy construction or structural work on the ship, there is no way the changes incorporated in the USS Balmung are part of a standard, or even a specialized, refit of an Ambassador class starship… the changes shown and discussed above are no mere refit modifications, but are class altering design evolutions … This measure greatly increased the ability of the Ambassador class to fire sustained bursts, and greatly reduced the recharge and cool down times. One noteworthy Ambassador-class ship was the USS Enterprise-C. Starfleet generally seems to use today's super ships as tomorrow's workhorse, so really we should see lots of Ambassadors out there - but we don't. Rumour has it that the Enterprise-C model was broken somehow after the episode was made - I don't know how, somebody may have dropped it or it may just be that the battle damage put on for the show made it unusable. The most prominent Exploration Cruiser variant is the Galaxy class, which was the flagship of the fleet when it was first introduced in the late 2350s. All hands were presumed to be killed in action, the valorous sacrifice bringing the Federation several decades of peace with the Klingon Empire. See more ideas about Star trek starships, Star trek ships, Star trek. These decals mark the 1:1400 scale Ambassador Class Starship kit as the Ambassador -NCC-10500 with blue plating panels, windows, hull graphics, lifeboats, names and numbers for … The items provided are appropriate to the type of vessel and its related playing style. Compatible with your battleship game, here comes the USS Ambassador. This variant faithfully represents the look of the original Andrew Probert-created concept for the Ambassador-class. And would be involved in many military engagements including the Battle at Wolf 359 and was a part of the fleet sent to ensure the Romulans were not interfering in the Klingon Civil War. The most noticeable aspects of the upgrade include the saucer being moved back a bit, the installation of an updated impulse engine and the upgraded nacelles. To expand on Cary's definition of class, one could say that the Constitution Class refit is actually a Connie if the modifications were intended to be retrofit into all service members of the Class. The action secured peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire.1 The ships destruction came some six months before it was due to return to Spacedock for modification. Compared to the Enterprise-C there are many small changes : The Yamaguchis saucer section and nacelles are shifted back by about 6 metres. In 2335, four of the remaining eight Constitution Class ships were mothballed while a second major refit of the class was designed. First Refit: The first refit for the Ambassador-class took place in January of 2345 when the U.S.S. The variant carried shorter nacelle pylons and the saucer section was planted further back on the neck. One of these ships was the USS Justice. The Enterprise responded to the attack, and despite being destroyed there, defended it long enough to … The Yamaguchi has a third shuttle bay located on the 'overhang' at the back of the Engineering hull. A 5 hit ship she is a huge ship in 1/6000 scale. Since the launch of the USS Ambassador … The Ambassador-class was designed to be a replacement for the aging fleet of Excelsior-class and Constellation-class vessels which had been in service for over three decades, and to create a true front-line heavy cruiser. A third, and final configuration was done that never got filmed. The siting of the Ambassadors saucer forward on the neck had led to some structural problems with early members of the class. The lifeboats have been re-arranged on the saucer section. The only exterior change caused by this alteration is that the engine exhaust is red rather than blue. This took way too long to get around to doing, but finally here it is: the Ambassador Class refit, … The deflector dish was modified to allow more sensor systems to be installed, and to provide additional protection at high warp speeds. The project was to refit the ship to be more survivable in combat. Sep 27, 2020 - Explore paul hoffman's board "AMBASSADOR CLASS" on Pinterest. The USS Ambassador was launched in 2328 and commissioned in 2330. Enterprise-C, destroyed in battle in 2344 while protecting the Klingon colony on Narendra III from a Romulan attack. 40 Favourites. the USS Enterprise-C, which was destroyed in 2346 while defending a Klingon outpost from attack by the Romulans. History The Ambassador Class was developed during the 2320's as a replacement for the aging Excelsior Class as Starfleet's front-line explorer type vessel. The loss of the USS Enterprise-C during the battle of Narendra III to a small Romulan force, … The Enterprise-C with its power restored (old model). Although the Ambassador -class was five decades old by the 2370s, many ships of the class continued to be in service, albeit refitted with the latest technologies which could be found aboard the more up-to-date vessels such as the Galaxy -class explorers. Constructed under the assumption that the Ambassador had to bridge the design gap between the Excelsior cruiser and the Galaxy Class exploration series, the model does incorporate many elements from both of the … David is the author behind The Path of Distress mission and has written up a report for his campaign’s ship, the U.S.S. However, this leads to something of a problem. The bussard collectors are a different model on the Yamaguchi, with a cap on the top and bottom of the inlet system which allows a less turbulent flow into the collectors, so increasing their efficiency by 12%. The loss of the USS Enterprise C during the battle of Narendra III to a small Romulan force, did however force Starfleet to re-evaluate the Ambassador class and in 2348 a moderate refit programme was embarked upon, to provide the Ambassador with a better phaser armament, increasing the original 8 Type IX arrays to 10 Type IX’s. Ambassador-Class Refit, 2344. The Ambassador class underwent a refit sometime between the time of the Enterprise-C and TNG. The nacelles were also shifted back in order to keep them at minimum safe distance from the saucer. Plans to refit the class again were delayed for a number of years. The USS Ambassador Class Refit. Enterprise (NCC-1701-A) is heavily damaged in the Battle of Narendra III. The use of an independent power system for every group of ten emitter segments in the array triples the survivability of the array compared to a ball turret, while there are also benefits to the reaction time, greater control of thermal effects, field halos and target impact. You can access it via the links page of this site. Ambassador Class Variants. If dismissed, or the box is discarded, it cannot be reclaimed by any means. Also in the early 2370s, Starfleet Command ordered Mediterranean-class starships to be refit so they were more suited to orbital support … You get the ship, the 5 hit base and 4 different height level stands. The Ambassador-class had entered Starfleet service by the 2340s. The Yamaguchis deflector dish has a darker spot of some sort in the middle of it. The Enterprise-C in the Azure Nebula (old model). Several innovative features were included in the design, most notably for diplomatic and scientific missions. The USS Yamaguchi pioneered these changes. ambassador class generation next refit star tng trek zhukov. Ambassador Class - Ambassador Detailing Decals. 5 Comments. It's a stout, powerful looking ship, but it still communicates that idealism and grace that's so important for a Starfleet vessel. This is the “Second Refit Configuration” of the Ambassador studio model. The Ex Astris Scientia site is responsible for spotting these changes, and has an excellent article on the different variants of the Ambassador. Prototype Walker Light Exploration Cruiser, Bellerophon Long Range Science Vessel Refit, Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit, Fleet Excelsior Advanced Heavy Cruiser Retrofit, Fleet Galaxy Exploration Cruiser Retrofit, Montgomery Dyson Reconnaissance Science Destroyer, Helios Dyson Surveillance Science Destroyer, Steamrunner Blockade Runner Escort Retrofit, Mirror Trident Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Fleet Comet Reconnaissance Science Vessel, Fleet Nebula Advanced Research Vessel Retrofit, Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, Fleet Intrepid Long Range Science Vessel Retrofit, Aventine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Rademaker Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer, Vesta Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer, Fleet Olympic Research Science Vessel Retrofit, Fleet Shepard Miracle Worker Battlecruiser, Concorde Operations Command Battlecruiser, Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Tellarite Pralim Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Constitution Temporal Flight Deck Carrier, Constitution Miracle Worker Flight Deck Carrier, Constitution Miracle Worker Light Cruiser, Kelvin Constitution Heavy Command Cruiser, Fleet Cardenas Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Kelvin Vengeance Intel Dreadnought Cruiser, Universe Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Cruiser, Fleet Dauntless Experimental Science Vessel, Intrepid Miracle Worker Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Palatine Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Explorer, Esquiline Multi-Mission Strategic Explorer, Brigid Multi-Mission Surveillance Explorer, Fleet Akira Heavy Strike Wing Escort (T6), Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit, Fleet Orion Corsair Flight Deck Carrier Retrofit, Fleet Nausicaan Scourge Destroyer Retrofit, Fleet QeHpu' Advanced Light Battlecruiser, Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Orion Blackguard Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Durgath Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Battlecruiser, Gorn Khaimas Multi-Mission Reconnaissance Vessel, Gorn Ihgomas Multi-Mission Strategic Vessel, Gorn Ahgamas Multi-Mission Surveillance Vessel, Fleet Ar'kif Tactical Carrier Warbird Retrofit, Fleet D'deridex Warbird Battlecruiser Retrofit, Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Fleet Suliban Silik Flight Deck Assault Carrier, Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser, Fleet Deleth Advanced Light Warbird Battlecruiser, Valkis Temporal Heavy Dreadnought Warbird, Fleet Jem'Hadar Vanguard Temporal Warship, Xindi-Aquatic Narcine Dreadnought Carrier, Xindi-Aquatic Briostrys Dreadnought Carrier, Sphere Builder Denuos Dreadnought Carrier, Elachi Sheshar Command Dreadnought Cruiser, Xindi-Primate Ateleth Dreadnought Cruiser, Cardassian Ghemor Intel Flight Deck Carrier, Eternal Temporal Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Hur'q Nekcrid Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel, Cardassian Damar Intel Science Dreadnought, Xindi-Insectoid Olaen Heavy Strike Wing Escort, Nebula Refit Class. I love the Ambassador, but I greatly prefer this, her original form. The Ambassador-class is the oldest Federation starship still to carry the classification of capital ship.Designed in the 2320s to replace the venerable Excelsior-class cruisers, the Ambassador program took advantage of the technological advances in the three decades since the launch of the original Excelsior in 2290. . The layout of lifeboats within the saucer section was also modified to allow increased evacuation speed in an emergency. 4 Comments. It's a great blend between the aesthetics of the Constitution and Galaxy classes. The faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store. Additional sensor systems were installed in the main sensor dome on the saucer section, necessitating a housing to be installed between the dome and the hull to hold the extra equipment. It was also made available again account-wide on September 1st, 2014 as part of the end of summer celebration. To date, the Ambassador class starship has had two major refits after its initial launch. as a replacement for the ageing Excelsior and Constellation classes as Starfleets front line Explorer type vessel. But the trend these days seems to be for larger numbers of smaller arrays, which contradicts this idea. U.S.S. The retrofit upgrades this class with the latest standard equipment used in the early 25th century. The powerless Enterprise-C held in a Tholian base. The Yamaguchi has a cap on top of and beneath the bussard collectors. Explaining the Yamaguchi variant is the thrust of some of the notes on my own entry for the ship. Learn more before you buy, or discover other cool products in SciFi. Making the new saucer far more complexly It had the warp nacelles lowered even more. 383 Views. One problem with the Ambassador is their relative rarity. Ambassador class heavy cruiser later refit with experimental technologies.. Dedication Motto: A shining ship waits Thunderbolts tamed to our will The endless quest calls; Ship's Crest: A rising sun behind a brown snow-capped volcano. All the images are taken from "Yesterday's Enterprise", which as far as I know is the only time we've seen any good close-up views of the Ambassador. Production was then suspended in favour of the new Galaxy class. Herald – Refit Ambassador-class Ship November 18, 2020 Mephit James Featured Starship One comment Today we have a fan-submission, the U.S.S. In 2344, while under the command of Captain Rachel Garrett, this ship responded to a distress call from a Klingon colony on Narendra III, which was under attack by four Romulan warbirds. If the they didn't have a clocking device on loan from the Klingon High Council, the Enterprise would have been destroyed. This site is primarily devoted to the review and analysis of Star Trek--all five live action television series and eleven movies. After the first batch of Ambassadors was delivered, Starfleet requested a series of modifications for the second batch. The Ambassador Class is easily one my favourite starship designs. The original Ambassadors had always been considered to have low speed and agility at impulse and the new engines provided almost 30% greater thrust, largely correcting this problem. Players can obtain this starship as a limited-time reward for participating in the 3 Year Anniversary Event, which awarded a box with this ship inside after completing the mission “Temporal Ambassador”. It took a devilish amount of work, as the saucer is something of a fusion between the original style of the Excelsior, and the actual Ambassador as it is shown on-screen. Just barely clearing the warp pylon phaser emmiters. The first appearance was as the USS Yamaguchi in the DS9 pilot episode "Emissary". Ambassador Class, Original Configuration (2320-2332) !!!!! The concept of burst firing photon torpedoes was another first; although fitted with only two torpedo tubes, the Ambassador's ability to fire five torpedoes at a time from each tube effectively gave her ten tubes in place of two. This crest is worn in patch form on the upper right arm of … Between 2325 and 2360, the Ambassador-class heavy cruisers were the primary capital ships of Starfleet until 2372, when Starfleet stopped production of these ships in favor of the larger, more resilient Galaxy class star… Series production continued at a slow but steady pace until 2357, when the sixty eighth vessel was launched. The action secured peace between the Federation and the Klingon Empire. The Ambassador-class Support Cruiser Retrofit is a Tier 5 (Level 40) Cruiser which may be flown by Starfleet characters, including Federation-aligned Romulan Republic and Dominion characters. The faction restrictions of this starship can be removed by having a level 65 KDF character or by purchasing the Cross Faction Flying unlock from the Zen Store . The refit would further upgrade the class, to the same standard as modern ships, Ambassador, Asimov, and Apollo classes. NOT TO BE CONFUSED with FASA's own Ambassador cruiser, the actual Ambassador Class of Trek canon did not appear until the ST:TNG episode "Yesterday's Enterprise". This is similar to the real life 688 Los Angeles class attack boats. The primary research team was based out of the Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards while the engineering team was based out of the yard… Excelsior(refit), and adding in the missing components which I named previously. The class introduced phaser arrays to Starfleet in place of the ball turret phasers carried by previous designs. The Enterprise-C with its power restored. Indeed it is. Nov 10, 2019 - Explore Anthony Mabbott's board "Ambassador Class" on Pinterest. Starfleet took the opportunity to shift the Yamaguchis saucer section back by six metres, allowing them to eliminate return to the original SIF modification without further difficulties. Stardate 2344.85: The U.S.S. Perhaps the most important change was the installation of a new model of impulse engine. A plaque depicting the Enterprise-C in fleet starbases. This Retrofit vessel is a heavily modified version of the (Tier 4) Galaxy Exploration Cruiser. It's not all that clear just what advantages phaser arrays have over phaser banks; at first I thought an array was like hundreds of old style banks joined together, giving hundreds of times the overall firepower. This allowed the Yamaguchi to handle over 30% more shuttle craft than the standard Ambassador, making the ship more effective in colony establishment and support operations or emergency evacuation scenarios. The USS Ambassador was launched in 2330 and commissioned in 2332. The first appearance of an Ambassador-class starship, namely the Enterprise-C, was in the form of a relief on the "history wall" in the Enterprise-D's observation lounge in the first TNG season. The only ship which was not so refitted was the USS Enterprise-C, which was destroyed in 2346 while defending a Klingon outpost from attack by the Romulans. The average time for the refit was approximately 13 weeks, or roughly 3 months. Star Trek Online Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. The USS Bismarck was dry-docked at Avalon Flee Yards. Twenty eight large dedicated laboratory facilities are included in the ship, along with facilities to convert three of the cargo bays to hold extra scientific equipment if necessary. Although these had largely been fixed by modifications to the structural integrity field, the changes had led to considerable complication of the layout of the ships connecting neck structures. Ambassador Class Refit. The Yamaguchi variant sported several changes and improvements over the original Ambassador -class. Several innovative new features were included in the new design, most notably for the diplomatic and scientific missions. Herald. Construction of the first hull for the as yet unnamed Ambassador-class, designated NXC-9331NA, began in early 2315, a full four years after the development project officially began. A joint project with Pedro's Shiporama and SciFi Art. The engineering hulls aft end was widened to allow the shuttle bay to be enlarged, and a third shuttle bay was added to the underside of the engineering hull. Hence, I've been forced to speculate a lot here. By captDLangston Watch. This gave the Ambassador an estimated 450% increase in research capabilities over an Excelsior class vessel. The aft end of the Yamaguchis engineering hull is broader. Developed at the San Francisco Fleet Yards, the most iconic Ambassador-class starship to be commissioned by Starfleet was the U.S.S. And this new version was significantly different. 36 Favourites. Ambassador Class Refit A Cruiser (LVN3Y9KEP) by Nashstarshipyards on Shapeways. Whatever the reason, the makers built a new version of the Ambassador which was used for all future appearances of the ship. The following table compares T5 Federation Cruisers. However, if that was the case then phaser arrays should be as long as possible - the ideal weapon would be one gigantic phaser array that went all around the ship! By ScifiGeek1991 Watch. Yamaguchi entered drydock 10 at Starfleet's Utopia Planitia Fleet Yards in orbit around Mars. Ambassador Class, Refit Configuration (2332-82) Class Classification Service Number Active Length Beam Height Decks Ambassador Heavy Cruiser 2320-2382 0 526m 320m 125m 31 Mass Compliment 2,350,000 metric tons 550 Armament Defense Systems 15 Type IX Phaser Emitters 2 MK I Torpedo Launchers 1 Category: Heavy Cruiser 2 Personnel 3 Speed 4 Dimensions 5 Auxiliary Craft 6 Armament 7 Description 8 Related Pages Add photo Expected Duration: 80 Years Time Between Resupply: 4 Years Time Between Refit: 8 Years Officers: 150 Enlisted Crew: 500 Marines: 64 … So I've tried to think up realistic advantages to be gained from using phaser arrays; many thanks to the members of for their rather lengthy debate on this issue, which provided a great deal of help in this area. Constitution Class Refit Variant. In the year 2373, after the initial success of the Galaxy Class Refit, refit began on an existing Nebula Class ship. 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