I am wondering, are Daniel and Esther contemporaries? Then in 2 Chronicles 10–36 you have the division, the fall and the defeat of Israel. He is the one who can deliver the people. Q. She is afraid to do so, but she eventually agrees. How can I respond to those who say that evolutive processes such as star formation and animal evolution do not need God, and who therefore reject the existence of God? All the promises of Deuteronomy 30, that if the people return to God, even in exile, he will restore them. Lecture: Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah & Chronicles. We know of him, not only from the Bible, but from Persian records. Their lives were not easy, but even in the midst of trials, these men and women discovered that God was with them—and that He was actively leading the events in their lives. But the books of Ezra and Nehemiah show us that though human failure is a constant in this fallen, sinful world, God never quits. He was asked to bow down to other gods and to pray to other deities, but he refused to do so. For Esther and the Jews, the story has a happy ending. Darius II was also a Persian. They can turn to the Lord in faith. I find that Xerxes (also called Ahasuerus in Daniel and Esther) was given the throne in 485 B.C, but what’s really confusing is that Daniel mentions in Chapter 9 that during the first year of Darius the I son of Xerxes, he receives the revelation of the 70 year desolation of Jerusalem. John Oakes Sermons in Bakersfield: John XIV Abide in Christ. Ezra–Nehemiah talk to us about how to rebuild the nation. He always sends his faithful servants like Ezra and Nehemiah to rebuild the religious life of the people, to rebuild the physical life of the people, until such time as the Messiah comes and teaches the people and builds them up and heals their sicknesses and gives them that which they need: Ezra, a true student of the word of God, a great teacher of the word of God; and Nehemiah, a great leader of the people, one who truly shows God’s best strength to the people. If Darius the Mede (Daniel 6) is a real person, why does The Cambridge History of Judaism not mention him, as it lists all the rulers of Bablyon after the Persian conquest? 605–536 B.C. By around the second century B.C.2 a three-fold division of the Hebrew Scriptures arose: The Law, The Prophets, and The Writings3a. 1:21; 6:1, 2) Perhaps Jehovah maneuvered matters this way so that Daniel could be a blessing to his own people, as were Joseph in Egypt and Esther and Mordecai in Persia. Ch 2: Israel Forsakes God Ch 3:6 Unfaithful Israel He ruled, not all of Persia but the province of Babylon, as you can see if you look at Daniel 9:1. Esther 9:20 through 10:3 tell us that the feast of Purim, which is still celebrated by Jewish persons today, was instituted to mark the deliverance of the Jews from their enemies. 1. Rome will rise. In fact, it was Cyrus who conquered Babylon. – in other words, about the same time as Malachi – the Lord began bringing Israelites back to Judea. Daniel 1:1-2. Why does God love us? Jer 2 - 6 2, 3 God sends Jeremiah to Jerusalem to give a series of messages to the people of Judah. Chronicles (First and Second together as one book) Daniel wasn't orinally included with "The Prophets" but with the "The Writings" because his book is about 50% historical and 50% prophetic. After several days of hearing the word of God, see 8:13-18, the people confess their sins and plead for forgiveness in chapter 9. He gains permission from the king of Persia and gains funding from the king of Persia to help this process. He had a passion for faithfulness. The high priest allows enemies of the people to live in the temple. But he has made covenants with Noah, that all nations should respond positively to him. Is 2 Peter 3:10-13 about the return of Jesus or the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70? A. Compassion. But human sin is persistent. Daniel was a faithful man. A. The city walls are down. Daniel. Can you respond to a video I found from a guy who claims to totally disprove the teleological/watchmaker argument? And how does the book end? This is a marvelous book that tells us how to view the past. 7:6-10). I am wondering, are Daniel and Esther contemporaries? So he knows you have that book in hand. Drunk and angry, he decides she can no longer be queen. This individual, this Son of Man, this one born of woman, as Genesis 3:15 promised, will be given the kingdoms of the world and all nations will serve him, as God had promised David in 2 Samuel 7; and as Psalm 2 had promised about the Messiah. Daniel 9:1-19 says that while they are waiting in exile, they can repent of their sins. The division known as the Prophets was formed prior to the Hagiographa and had the Book of Daniel existed at that time, it would have been ranked as a work of a prophet and included among the former. The positive is focused on. Scholars differ as to the chronological order of the books, some maintaining that the events of Nehemiah occur before those of Ezra. This son of man will be given the kingdoms of the earth and peoples, nations and languages will bow down to him. It was God’s providence that Mordecai was a faithful person who interceded on behalf of his fellow Jews. He definitely was not a contemporary of Esther. And 1 and 2 Chronicles teaches how to view the past. As we conclude our study, there are some rather long books to go. I am studying the timelines in the Bible regarding the lifetime of both Daniel and Esther for a school project and I’m hoping to get all my facts straight. When I research the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, I find that Daniel was brought to Babylon in 605 B.C and that Darius the Mede conquered Babylon in 539 B.C… but what I am confused about is the reign of Xerxes, the husband of Esther. I am confused about the dates from my research and was hoping for some clarity. Their lives were not easy, but even in the midst of tr… It may be the last book written in the Old Testament. He confesses the sins of the nation and pleas with God to keep His promise of the captivity ending. Their lives were not easy, but even in the midst of trials, these men and women discovered that God was with them—and that He was actively leading the events in their lives. Esther became queen to the Persian King Ahasuerus traditionally identified with Xerxes I of Persia. Chapters 1-6 indicate this was not easy. He has decided to have a massive party that lasts for six months. He concludes Jesus is a fictional character. But you see, the writer of Chronicles expects you to know 1 and 2 Kings because he quotes the book repeatedly. He is not trying to pull the wool over your eyes or be phony about the history of Israel. Nine of the 12 chapters relate revelation through dreams/visions. Nehemiah and Ezra work together to restore the people in the land. Nehemiah has the people celebrate instead of mourn when they hear the teachings, according to 8:9-12. When I research the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, I find that Daniel was brought to Babylon in 605 B.C and that Darius the Mede conquered Babylon in 539 B.C… but what I am confused about is the reign of Xerxes, the husband of Esther. ... Nehemiah returned to tell the King Darius and Queen Esther that the work of the first Jubilee15 of Daniel's prophecy were complete. He definitely was not a contemporary of Esther. In 3:1 to 9:19 we have threats against the Jews. So Daniel could know, as all the other exiles could know, how can he live? Harold Dressler is well qualified to discuss the Dnil of the Ras Shamra texts since he wrote his doctoral dissertation on that very topic.5He outlines four arguments which “have been advanced for denying that the Daniel of Ezekiel xiv and xxviii is to be identified with the Biblical Daniel” (p. 155). Robert Price says a miracle-worker like Jesus should have mention in non-Christian writings in the first century, but there is none. Timeline of Jeremiah / Daniel / Ezekiel Kings of Judah Date Ref Josiah 640 BC 2 Kg 22:1 - 23:30 5, 6 Josiah was 8yr old when he was made king and reigned 31 years 2 Ch 34 - 35 627 BC Jer 1 1 God calls Jeremiah to be prophet in Judah. STUDY. The first six chapters of Ezra summarize that material for you. By the way, you identify him as the one who "conquered Babylon." It was God’s providence that the king would listen to Esther. 5:4-8; 7:1-5) and to manipulate Haman into exposing his own hypocrisy in seeking to have the Jews annihilated (Es. Ezra (Nehemiah was included with Ezra) 24. Esther wins this contest. So may God bless you as you read the Scripture in greater detail and learn more about God’s promises. Daniel bridges the entire 70 years of the Babylonian captivity (ca. If this is the same Darius I, then wouldn’t that mean that Daniel was alive when Esther interceded on behalf of the Jews? She employs a clever scheme to butter him up over the course of two banquets (Es. When faced with idolatry or death, Daniel’s friends say in chapter 3: “God is able to deliver us. How do I answer? Because he knew and loved Yahweh and Yahweh’s people. And in chapter 5 she takes the request to save her people to the king and the king agrees. Daniel does not mention that he conquered Babylon. He is a governor. (888) 358-9998. Sin will not always mark this world. Yes, Ezekiel was a contemporary with both Daniel and Jeremiah. Second Chronicles 1-9 tells us about Solomon’s reign and about all that God did for Solomon and the positive elements of Solomon’s reign. She becomes queen because her predecessor refuses to obey her husband. You live in faithfulness to God’s word. The date of this book is probably about 487 to 465 B.C. He has made a covenant with Abraham, that all nations will be blessed through Abraham. Daniel was God’s mouthpiece to the Gentile and Jewish world, declaring God’s current and future plans. How did Moses know what to write in Genesis? What Revelation is to the NT prophetically and apocalyptically, Daniel is to the OT. No wonder then in Mark 14:62 when Jesus claimed to be the son of man, that he was the one to whom God would give the kingdom, that those who did not believe he was the Messiah decided to kill him. Some, such as Daniel and Esther, were even members of a race carried away to a foreign land that had never heard of the God of Israel. Just a few words on both. Mordecai comes to Esther in chapter 4 and asks her to intercede for her people with the king. Camas, WA 98607 Xerxes figures prominently in the Greco-Persian Wars building the bridge across the Hellespont and taking part in the famous Battle of Thermopylae.… First of all, there is Esther, a woman who lived in exile in Persia; and Daniel, a man who lives in exile in Babylon. I am confused about the dates from my research and was hoping for some clarity. Daniel 6:10-22 10 Now when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went into his house; and his windows being open in his chamber toward Jerusalem, he kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime. Like the book of Song of Solomon, Esther never mentions the name of God. Daniel 1.3-6 mentions that Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah were chosen for the king’s service because they were, among other things, “without blemish, of good appearance.” They were taken aside and were to be given special training and a special diet to prepare them to assist the king. He is put to death on the very apparatus on which he had prepared to kill his enemy, Mordecai. His reward was to be granted retirement in Jerusalem. There will be a new creation. Church History Class Being Offered and recordings available. But then in Ezra 7-10 we have an emphasis on rebuilding Israel’s spiritual life. The Chronology of Ezra, Nehemiah and Esther. All rights reserved. 586 Jerusalem and the temple falls to Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon. We have to wonder, will Israel ever live like a restored people? But Esther has become queen. Stream the classes, or download and listen to them offline. Chapter 17 repeats the promises of God made in 2 Samuel 7. It seems the writer of Daniel is confused as Artaxerxes was the son (not the father) of Darius? When was the Book of Nahum written? The first nine chapters are one long genealogy that connects the history of Israel clear back to Genesis. God saved the people through these circumstances. In faithfulness to God’s word, in faithfulness to one another, with hope for the future. He establishes the Levites in the temple. This is the same city in which the young Esther was forced to participate in a “beauty pageant” at the whim of a king named Xerxes . You live being committed to his ways, even if it means death. The focus at all times is on Judah because David is from Judah, Solomon is from Judah and the promises of God for a Messiah come through Judah. Some, such as Daniel and Esther, were even members of a race carried away to a foreign land that had never heard of the God of Israel. Dr. Bill Mounce blogs on spiritual formation and on Greek at BillMounce.com. Persia will rise. They should know that the Messiah will come and they can live for him. Daniel does not mention that he conquered Babylon. The people are defenseless before their enemies. Daniel deals with how you maintain distinctive faith in exile. 23. Should we expect a scientific explanation of Genesis 1, or is it just poetry. Even with the discrepancy mentioned above (if he were 8 years younger at the time of the flood), Shem obviously still would have been alive (and younger) when Abraham died. So through the intercession of Mordecai and through the intercession of Esther, the king of Persia allows the Jews to defend themselves against their enemies and thus they are spared. All seems well. But Daniel and John were not in immediate contact with the congregation, but isolated and alone with God, the one in a heathen court, the other on a lonely isle ( Revelation 1:9 PORPHYRY, the assailant of Christianity in the third century, asserted that the Book of Daniel was a forgery of the time of the Maccabees (170-164 B.C. First and 2 Chronicles were probably written as late as 300 to 400 years before Christ. It ends with Cyrus allowing Israelites to go home and rebuild their temple. And he will restore them. He just expects that you know that. They also make a covenant to follow the Lord in chapter 10. . In Ezra 1-6 we are told that prior to Ezra’s time, which is about 450 B.C. There is very little about the northern kings in this book. You could not repeal a law, you could only pass another law that could counteract it. In fact, it was Cyrus who conquered Babylon. Daniel does not mention that he conquered Babylon. I thought Darius I took the throne around 465 which would make Daniel VERY old if what I am reading is correct. He will be raised from the dead, and he will rule forever. because the king featured in this book is Xerxes I. David is the main character in the history of Israel, according to 1 Chronicles. Explain how Daniel says Darius asked people to pray to him when we know from other sources that the rulers of Persian and Media were Zoroastrians and would never have allowed themselves to be worshipped. According to this calculation, Shem lives 35 years longer than Abraham. Esther unfolds in the Persian capital of Susa. In fact, it was Cyrus who conquered Babylon. And we find people at the temple, Anna and Simeon, proclaiming who he is, God’s Messiah. No, he is really saying, he is the son of man, to whom the Ancient of Days gives the kingdoms of the world, that all peoples, nations and languages should serve him. So the king could not repeal his allowing of Israel’s enemies to attack them. The people are organized to guard their land and their city. 722 B.C. So when Jesus called himself the son of man, this was not a minor statement. ... Parts of the book of Daniel were written in Aramaic. God will remove sin. As a punishment for praying to his God and no other, he was actually put in a den of lions and God delivered him from the lions, even though they would normally have wanted to eat him, of course. 21. Site design and hosting by , Were Daniel and Esther contemporaries (a question about Darius). Esther. God’s promise to David is the mainspring of all Israelite hope. The Hebrew Scriptures were probably originally canonized into a two-fold division: the Law and the Prophets12. The reader know that Esther is Jewish, she is Israelite, and Israelites have almost no rights as exiles in the land; or at least, they have no rights that are not extended to them by the king. According to Hebrew custom, the title is drawn from the prophet who throughout the book received revelations from God. So Nehemiah has to come back and correct these errors. He will restore purity. I am studying the timelines in the Bible regarding the lifetime of both Daniel and Esther for a school project and I’m hoping to get all my facts straight. It was God’s providence that Esther became queen. John Oakes. What are your thoughts on this? We find the temple restored as the central representative of God’s presence among the people. All nations will be blessed through him and it is through the Messiah, the son of Abraham, the son of David, that these promises will be kept. The Darius "the Mede" of Daniel is not Darius II, the son of Xerxes who ruled 423-405 BC. We find genealogies from Genesis and other books here. In any case, Daniel was born somewhere around 620 BC and died some time around 535 BC. J. I. Packer has written a wonderful book about Nehemiah entitled, A Passion for Faithfulness, published by Crossway Books. So several Israelites returned and as you will recall from the books of Haggai and Malachi, they rebuild the temple in 520 to 516. (Dan. Nehemiah was a builder. I was disappointed that the study of Daniel ended after chapter 7 (skipping chapters 8-12) and the study of Esther ended after chapter 7 (skipping chapters 8-10). Esther risks approaching the king unbidden, yet receives his favor (Es. We have plenty of evidence that modern humans do not descend from a single original couple, yet Genesis says that we do? PLAY. Daniel and Esther are great books to study. He was asked to learn Babylonian ways and eat Babylonian food. ‎Many of God’s people through the ages have been called to endure times of hardship, loneliness, and suffering. In the book of Esther we find Esther herself becoming queen of Persia in chapters 1 and 2. Ezra, as I said, was a priest and religious leader. But she becomes queen of Persia through an unusual set of circumstances. Esther and Nehemiah as Contemporaries What shall the people do? Visit the President's page to see his availability to speak at your church or ministry. They may have worked together the same way Haggai and Zechariah might have as they ministered together. Were Daniel and Esther contemporaries (a question about Darius) He learned their ways, but he rejected the food and maintained his purity before God. We need to remember, as the prophet said over and over again, as Zephaniah 3:8.9 said, as Isaiah 19:16-25 said, and a host of other passages, God will keep his promise to Abraham. He is also not Darius I "The Great" who ruled Persia/Media from 521-486 BC. 523 NE Everett St But God and his kingdom endure forever. If he was, why was this not mentioned in his book? In chapters 7–12 of Daniel the book gives us extraordinary visions of the future, of kingdoms that will rise and will fall. The subsequent king, Jehoiachin, only sat on the throne for 3 months and it was during this brief period that Ezekiel followed Daniel in a second wave to Babylon. He did not expect to live to see those promises come true; but by faith, he received the promises; and because of his faith, he lived faithfully in exile. Did God create the sun as is, or did it form by natural physical processes? Esther’s deliverance (Esther 3:10) Mordecai made Prime Minister Artaxerxes I (464-424) or Longimanus Was the step-son of Esther (Ezra 7:1) And God’s kingdom ultimately will reside in the Messiah, in the Savior. So he teaches the people the word. The book of Jeremiah covers the years 647 BCE to 580 BCE. “And to him was given dominion and glory and a kingdom, that all peoples, nations, and languages should serve him; his dominion is an everlasting dominion, which shall not pass away, and his kingdom one that shall not be destroyed.”. What are some good arguments to support the claim that evolution needs to have an intelligent creator in order for it to work? If this is the same Darius I, then wouldn’t that mean that Daniel was alive when Esther interceded on behalf of the Jews? One could say the same about Ezra. Babylon will rise. The palace master gave them other names: Daniel he called Belteshazzar, Hananiah he called Shadrach, Mishael he called Meshach, and Azariah he called Abednego. The book of 1 and 2 Chronicles tells the people how to view the past. That is the time that Esther is set. And Daniel could know that though these great kingdoms will rise and fall, God will give his kingdom to the Messiah, that he will raise those who have died, from the dead. Daniel & Esther. So, how does one survive in exile? All the promises of God made to Noah, Abraham, Moses and David will be kept. She refuses to come and the king is humiliated before his guests. More people move into the city and the place begins to grow again. So we’re going to look at Daniel in the eyes of the men who lived in his day and in his time: Daniel in the eyes of his contemporaries. So chapters 1 and 2 talk about Esther’s rise to the throne. Esther and Daniel explain to us how it is we are to survive in exile. This study can be used for personal reflection or for use in a small-group setting. By the way, you identify him as the one who "conquered Babylon." Yet, as one scholar says, God is always working behind the scenes in the book of Esther. These threats begin because of a particular villain named Haman. It is to view it in light of God’s promises, and it would remind us as we conclude our study, to remember to view the Old Testament and the whole Bible in view of God’s promises. Basically they tell us that great kingdoms will rise and fall. Who was Darius in Daniel 9:1? You live expecting God to protect you. 22. And they can put their trust in him. 539 Babylon falls to Medes and Persians (Dan 5) 536 Daniel prays to God about the 70 year captivity predicted by Jeremiah (Daniel 9). John MacArthur takes readers through the books of Daniel and Esther, beginning with the prophet Daniel being carried off to Babylon, continuing through the rise of the Persian Empire, and concluding with Esther’s reign as queen. So as we conclude our study, as we think of what 1 and 2 Chronicles teaches us, let us view the past through the lenses of the promises of God and see in the Old Testament that God has given us one united message of moving from creation to new creation through the promises to Noah, the promises to Abraham, the promises to Moses, the promises to David; and now, because we read the Scriptures, promises to us; and that these promises are breathed out by God and profitable for every aspect of living today. As you may remember, Esther becomes the next Queen of Persia and eventually risks her life to save the Jewish exiles living in Persia from extermination [2]. These chapters are certainly worth extensive study. In any case, Daniel was born somewhere around 620 BC and died some time around 535 BC. John Oakes Then after we read about Israel’s ancestors and genealogy in chapters 10-29, the book focuses on David’s reign. Support for the Levites and temple worship wanes and the Sabbath is broken. But even if he will not deliver us, we will not serve idols.” That’s how people should live in exile. There we see this temple has greater glory than the first, just as Haggai promised, because the Savior comes to this temple. So, Ezekiel, Daniel, and Jeremiah, whose lamentations we just finished reading, were all contemporaries. Daniel writes in 7:13, “I saw in the night visions, and behold, with the clouds of heaven there came one like a son of man, and he came to the Ancient of Days and was presented before him.” The Ancient of Days of course is God. He will die for the sins of the people. Daniel 1. And the Lord gave Jehoiakim into his hand — He took Jehoiakim prisoner, and put him in chains, with a design to carry him to Babylon; but he having humbled himself, and submitted to become tributary, he was restored to his kingdom. So we know that Esther and the events in the book of Esther occurred about 100 years after the events described in Lamentations, the destruction of Jerusalem. He will make all things right. How shall they live in the land? Why do Christians say that the earth was created 6000 years ago? The Darius of Daniel was a Mede. I think most everything one could say about Nehemiah, one could also say about Ezra. The idea is for Nehemiah to help Jerusalem become an established city again. The 12 chapters relate revelation through dreams/visions the name of God humiliated before his.. Had prepared to kill his enemy, Mordecai make a covenant to follow the Lord in chapter 5 takes. Which he had prepared to kill his enemy, Mordecai extraordinary visions of the books some. And their city church or ministry natural physical processes Nehemiah as contemporaries what shall the people place begins grow... Was God ’ s presence among the people how to view the past Ezekiel, Daniel, and the.... 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