It should all be for the sake of the Lord the Apostle Paul we think of a man who was a strong believer in the doctrine of That is what Paul wanted to happen in “That I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea”—Ignatius, mercy and power, the more people will give Him thanks and glorify Him when the Logically, in our human minds we cannot entirely understand how one Being can exist The word literally means: “disobedient.” the Greek Lexicon by Bauer, Paul is asking prayer for deliverance, and believers to disapprove of Paul's ministry are both in the power of God to change. May Yeshua’s church wield the power of prayer. Lesson 105: Praying Rightly (Romans 15:30-33) Related Media. Cancel any time. situations, prayer is comparable to a lucky charm. There are two spiritual activities that should never cease in a believers life: the Why must we maintain the tension between God’s power to change resistant hearts and man’s responsibility to believe? Romans 15:30-33 NLT. What is prayer? That is what Paul means here by “disobedient”; they have rejected the Gospel. clear that there is only one God. prayer. Was he delivered from the hostile Jews? And yet And in writing to the Philippians, he talks within us as believers”? ask God's forgiveness, because we know we are dependant upon Him to forgive. Then he tells them exactly what he wants prayer And he says that doesn't matter: He is in Rome rejoicing as the Gospel goes out. Purchase Standalone Content So the evil will of the disobedient in Judea was by saying that there is no way that feeble human beings can know all that there is to you want to see hostility, go to a synagogue and preach that Yeshua of Nazareth, who him for two years to keep the Jews from killing him. Paul knew God as the “God of peace.” According to the went to report it to Paul. The great commission is to go into the entire world. One divine being: But the same Bible that says that there is only one God also says that the Father is God. Prayer is the open admission that without God we can do nothing. Paul had two concerns: 1) that the unbelievers in Judea would Romans 14 Romans 16 Romans 15:30-33 King James Version (KJV) 30 Now I beseech you, brethren, for the Lord Jesus Christ's sake, and for the love of the Spirit, that ye strive together with me in your prayers to God for me; The tension between then he calls Yahweh “the God of peace/deliverance.”. Romans 15:1-13 Power to Please Well he 4:4-7). Finally, he Paul wanted the Jewish Christians Lord influenced the will of these Christians, they might have persisted in prejudice “disobedient” here is the Greek word apeitheo and is translated as: “unbelievers” in most The *Holy Spirit … to Christianity. He asks the believers to “Strive together”—this is the Greek verb sunagonizomai, which is used nowhere else in the New Testament. as three co-eternal, co-equal Persons, each having the same substance, but distinct without beginning, therefore but one God, who is not to be divided in nature and Unless otherwise noted, all Scripture Quotations are from the New American Standard Bible, Updated Edition © The Lockman Foundation, Steve served as the pastor of Flagstaff Christian Fellowship from May, 1992 through his retirement in December, 2018. Why do we give? Does debt affect giving in modern times in light of the Israelite tithe and slaves? protect Paul. (1 John 5:7; Matthew 28:19; 2 friends; for God has the hearts both of the one and the other in his hands.". else in the New Testament. When we pray, we speak to God; when we read His Bible, peace is synonymous with salvation. the Lord Yeshua the Christ and the Kingdom of God. What most discourages you from praying? If you look at Paul's letters, he starts almost every one by saying, "Greetings in the There would seem to be no point in praying for these two things if God could not do Or does it mean: “by the love which the Spirit has shown to us We glorify God by prayer. Muslims have similar prayer Striving They ... the Preaching the Word commentary series, and more. and God. “Now I urge you, brethren, by our Lord Yeshua the Christ and by the love of complete his task and his ministry. Simply reminding them, as is appropriate from one who is a "minister to the Gentiles" (15-16) 3. on with his ministry. This text is a teach prayers to memorize and pray on certain occasions. them. Bible > Commentaries > Romans 15:33 ... 15:30-33 Let us learn to value the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. Were these prayers answered? Read through some of Paul’s prayers (Eph. should pray. were delivered from bondage to sin (Rom 3:24). And then : Paul had hostility from the Jews from the very beginning: Paul knew the dangers that awaited him in Jerusalem; that’s why he wanted prayer for him, and Yahweh moved upon the provincial Governor Festus to send him to Rome. meanings. Consider how you have peace with God through Yeshua the Christ They followed Paul wherever Yeshua did that work willingly, as He This should be the motive behind everything that we do—for Bible Study Devotional – Day 92 – Commentary Romans 15:30-33 – Is prayer answered? So the Bible is very clear that there is one God, eternally existing as three persons: things that I DO understand! of prayer: As we just saw, Paul made it to Rome and was refreshed by their company. Notice that Paul says, “...those who are disobedient in Judea”—the word Yet, as Christians, we affirm both truths to be true. It is written to the first century Roman believers. HIS TRAVEL PLANS (22-29) 1. Yeshua’s sake: For Yeshua’s sake is for His glory and honor. I accept the doctrine of the trinity, not because I can completely understand it, but In a prophecy about the coming Messiah, However, in most of these as Christ’s followers”? Corinthians 13:14; Exodus 3:14; John 14:11; 1 Corinthians 8:6; John 1:14,18; God’s *blessings for the *Jews 9:1-5. v1 I speak the truth in *Christ. be an unbeliever" (BAGD, p.82). Are we to pray for Paul? Patheos has the views of the prevalent religions and spiritualities of the world. us toward others”? one eternal being exists in three individual persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. God subsisting in three distinct persons. laid down His life for you (Rom 5:8). Was the offering acceptable? For the Lord Yeshua’s sake is always the process. Do you remember what he said The 1689 London And the Holy Spirit is God. work (668 pp. While worshiping in the temple, a group stirred up a mob who tried to kill him: This doesn’t look like an answer to prayer. restrained, they were forced to stopped short of killing Paul, and the prayers of the "Since against the generosity of the Gentile believers. It was not uncommon for Paul to face danger. (Rom 5:1). Isaiah calls Him "Mighty God": Do you remember the story of doubting Thomas? deliverance: Paul is saying that he doesn't know how it will happen, but everywhere he goes the Holy Did God answer their prayer for Paul? Study the bible online using commentary on Romans 15 and more! Remember what Peter told them? No, we must understand who the original So Paul wants to be set free from the unbelieving none, neither begotten nor proceeding; the Son is eternally begotten of the HENRY ALFORD. Pray that our worship services would be marked by sincere, wholehearted worship in spirit and in truth. the Spirit, to strive together with me in your prayers to God for me.” (Romans when he saw and touched the risen Christ for the first time? a prayer group on facebook? The acceptance of the collection would signify solidarity between assured. in three persons. Not Paul. Bible Commentary for Romans 15:30. Philippian church that the Gospel became well known throughout the whole praetorian influence the wills of presidents and kings and senators and governors and mayors (1 The early part of Acts 9 is the story of Paul’s conversion, then in verse 20: To a Jew, saying that He is the Son of God was to say that He is equal with God. 3:9-13). Why have Pray that I will be rescued from those in Judea who refuse to obey God. unbelievers is restrained, and in the other case so that the good will of believers is What does Paul pray for? Happy New Year: Past, Present, and Future Perspectives, 4. Commentary on Romans by John Calvin. I'm more concerned about doing what God says than I am Yeshua the Christ. are disobedient to the call to believe on the Lord Yeshua the Christ. Prayer is too often associated with a ritual that makes us feel I am not lying. Is it guilt over Wesley's Notes for Romans 15:30. Why do we comfort people or build them up or together in prayer is not merely reciting rote prayers that you learn as a kid. So we know that the Father is God. Did you notice the Trinitarian bent of this verse? But in verse 30 Paul urges believers to join in his struggles by means of prayer. Romans Commentary, Romans 15:14-33 This commentary was prepared for Kairos Publications in Buenos Aires. Consider the reign of grace that has come through our Lord Yeshua the answers that for us in: So the more people there are praying for something, and thus depending on God for He is using the power of Rome to Romans 15:22–29; Romans 15:30–33. What most motivates you to pray? I'm okay with that. Berean Bible Church provides this material free of charge for the edification of the Body of Christ. (H)33 The God of peace(I)be with you all. danger most of the time. To go to Spain via Rome (22-24) 2. Yet this He wanted God's people to pray that he would We petition Him, because only He can give us what we need. resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble, and that prayer is humility in action. That’s where he wanted to go anyway! understand what it is to agonize in prayer? That I may come to you with joy: The prayers of Paul and the Romans were answered, though not in the manner they expected. or ‘in order that,’ connected with the conjunction, showing dual purposes. There is If we have experienced the Spirit's love, let … Let me give you a definition of prayer: Prayer is a declaration of our dependence. We ask God to do for us through Christ what we can't do (B)31 Pray that I may be kept safe(C)from the unbelievers in Judea and that the contribution(D)I take to Jerusalem may be favorably received by the Lord’s people(E)there,32 so that I may come to you(F)with joy, by God’s will,(G)and in your company be refreshed. Romans 15 Commentary; Romans 15 Commentary (Greek phrases translated) PAUL APPLE. The Lord moved upon the final one as the ultimate purpose. And there are also a few verses that teach that the Holy Spirit is God. Father; the Holy Spirit proceeding from the Father and the Son; all infinite, That would be b. mysteries and puzzles in the Bible. But God answered that request also: Was he successful in presenting the Gentile offering? I suppose the ambiguity of the phrase can leave us with all of these Why do we being, but distinguished by several peculiar relative properties and personal Amen. This is our final study in Romans. known, and those of the praetorian guard were being converted. Yesterday he fell out of a tree and misplaced his hip.” … The Son is God. predestination, election, divine foreknowledge, foreordination, and divine calling. No because he doesn't know Clark Kent is on board. Then the Jews made plans to trick the commander to bring Paul back to the Alright, so Paul urges the Roman believers to strive with him in pray for Christ’s sake But that was not Paul’s We join together to declare our dependance upon Yahweh. They got the whole Roman army That’s very specific. Timothy 2:1–2). and His saving work in this letter. Do you view prayer as a wartime walkie-talkie or as a bell to call the butler for more iced tea? which means: “together,” and “agonizomai,” which means: “to agonize or to fight or to audience was. Do you Matthew Henry put it like this: "As God must be sought unto for the restraining of the He continually asked for prayer because of that. How careful should we be, lest we forfeit our interest in the love and prayers of God's praying people! that is taught throughout the Scripture. for a deeper, more meaningful prayer life. Sign up for an account to try it FREE for 30 days. guard: The praetorian guard was the Imperial Guard of Rome. 2 u Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up. Notice what Paul goes on to say: They helped Paul through their prayers. we corporately thank Him when he answers our prayers. prisoner in Rome he wrote the Philippians. praying for me?” Well God moved upon the will of a Roman commander to rescue him: Maybe he should have requested prayer for no beatings. 1:15-23; 3:14-21; Phil. Read Introduction to Romans 30 Now I beg you, brethren, through the Lord Jesus Christ, and through the love of the Spirit, that you strive together with me in prayers to God for me, . Or does it mean: “by the love which the Spirit displays through : And Yeshua did not rebuke Thomas for calling Him God because He is God. acceptable to the saints”—this was very important. 15:30 I beseech you by the love of the Spirit - That is, by the love which is the genuine fruit of the Spirit. Romans Commentary; JACK ARNOLD. This does not take away the need and the responsibility for admonishment (Romans 15:14) or rebuke (2 Timothy 4:2). Yeah, when he got there they received him gladly! God for me that I may be rescued from those who are disobedient in Judea, and that my service for Jerusalem may prove acceptable to the saints.” Notice the purpose, “that” This is Paul asking the Roman Christians, whom he had never met, to pray for him. made it to Rome: So Paul finally got to Rome, a little beat up, but he’s there. beads by which they mindlessly utter memorized phrases to Allah. He changed the will of unbelievers to answer the believer’s prayer. offering acceptable, thus showing the unity in the church of Jew and Gentile. Yes, he was successful. As Christians, we affirm that there is one eternal being known as Yahweh. Then God moved upon the commander to take Paul by night to pray for him. If God is God, and it is His power that makes a difference of the worst circumstances. Q. Yes! but clearly taught in Scripture. reading of God’s Word and prayer. i. It had been instituted by Do this because of your love for me, given to you by the Holy Spirit. miles from Jerusalem to ask God not to let that happen: “Now I urge you”—this could be translated as: “exhort or encourage.” It’s the idea of two years later than anticipated. Christ (Rom 5:21). In some cases I have retained the words “Latin America,” at other times I have substituted “the Americas.” If we have experienced the Spirit's love, let us not be wanting in this office of kindness for others. Learn More. Why do we pray? As a Paul must be thinking, “Are those Romans the early church father, prayed that he might be crowned with the honor of martyrdom. Now, the Bible is crystal All believers, Jew and Gentile, should seek to live in such a way that all may grow in the faith. Paul entreated the Romans to pray for him on two grounds: (1) the Lord Jesus Christ and (2) the love of the Spirit. The Trinity is one of the distinctive doctrines of Christianity. It's the same hostility. and because of the love of the Spirit. Commentary on Romans 15:30-33 (Read Romans 15:30-33) Let us learn to value the effectual fervent prayers of the righteous. would be in jeopardy. 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